
Biofortification is the method by which the nutritional value of crops is improved usually by either selective breeding or genetic engineering. Field Science however has perfected the process though the improvement of soils by the application of trace elements and minerals to the usually impoverished soils in which these crops are grown. Standard fortification of foods involves the addition of minerals as the foods are processed whereas the Field Science process provides the plants with the correct balance of nutrients through the soil as Nature intended. The plant then contains the optimum balance of minerals and nutrients making it far more beneficial as part of a balanced diet.

Hitherto, the emphasis in the UK farming market has been solely on yield and appearance, plus protein levels in the case of milling wheat. Only a negligible number of farmers have been paid a premium to produce food crops with optimal nutritional quality (eg selenium-enriched milk and bread wheat - both failed projects).

Field Science has been working with a UK retailer since 2007 producing minerally-enriched vegetables and fruit with great success. The initial aim was to improve the levels of Selenium in the plants as the UK human diet is so deficient in this vitally important trace element (and anti-oxidant). Selenium deficiency lowers the immune system and affects fertility in humans and livestock. The mineral dressings applied to the soil in which these crops are grown, also contain such minerals as iodine, copper, cobalt, manganese, magnesium to name a few. They all play a vital role and are required to restore the soil’s nutrient balance.

Field Science is also involved with the hydroponic culture of tomatoes. The improved nutrient uptake as with the soil-grown crops, has been a complete success and this produce along with the other products in which Field Science is involved are a retail success. Time will tell to what degree they can help the health of the nation but in recent years we have become aware that today's food no longer has the nutritional quality it once had. Recent DEFRA data has been shown to compare very badly with a MAFF survey carried out in 1940 as levels of nutritional minerals have fallen since then by up to 70%. The potential for improvement, therefore, is enormous and Field Science is leading the way.