Soil Mineral Dressings for Farming

The simplistic answer to a mineral problem is to spray a crop, bolus a cow or drench a lamb to remedy an observed deficiency. This is inefficient because the crop, cow or lamb has already suffered from the mineral deficiency before it was noticed and a further time lag occurs before we get round to doing anything about it. In that time the crop damage is irreversible, the mastitis leads to lost revenue and the lamb continues to scour.

Tailored mineral dressings applied after soil analysis to correct any deficiencies are a preventive medicine. If you guard against deficiency problems they will not happen. So now the crop continues to grow unchecked, the dairy cow needs no treatment and continues to produce milk, the lamb continues to grow and goes to market weeks earlier. The further bonus is that the treated land produces more and what it produces is of better quality.

Agriculture Solutions

Arable and Vegetable

Field Science mineral dressings restore the nutrient balance in a soil's profile to produce optimal crop growth, yield and resistance to disease, at the same time reducing the need for chemical fertilisers. It is the micronutrient (trace element) deficiencies that are usually the yield-limiting factor.

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Pasture and Livestock

Applying tailored trace element dressings to pastures ensures that the grasses provide livestock with the correct balance of nutrients as and when required. Livestock health and fertility improve with no need for mineral supplements and less need for fertiliser.

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Organic Farming

Most organic land was farmed conventionally until comparatively recently. This means that previous intensification has damaged these soils by removing minerals at a greater rate than Nature can replace them. This leaves organic farmers with similar problems to their conventional brethren, but without recourse to "quick fix" remedies.

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Biofortification is the method by which the nutritional value of crops is improved usually by either selective breeding or genetic engineering. Field Science however has perfected the process though the improvement of soils by the application of trace elements and minerals to the usually impoverished soils in which.....

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Mixed Farming - Pros and Cons

Not so long ago mixed farming was the norm. Most farms were small, family run affairs, much of whose produce was sold locally. This meant that farmers were also retailers and the profitability was such that a very good living could be made on relatively few acres.

  • Improved biodiversity and sustainability
  • Increased rural employment prospects
  • Reduced energy inputs and emissions
  • Low wages, long hour, lack of housing
  • Price competition from discount retailers
  • Poor economy of scale

Book a Visit

Let us help you decide which soils and plants could be more productive by booking a visit.

It's a no obligation visit and we can advise on application and ways to improve yield.