Tailored Mineral Dressings for Vegetables


Potatoes are members of the Solanaceae family of nightshades along with tomatoes, tobacco and aubergines and are indigenous to Central and South America. Sir Walter Raleigh first.....

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Spinach is an annual plant of the Amaranthaceae family. It has edible leaves and can be eaten raw as a mixed salad ingredient or cooked. It originates from Asia.....

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It is not too difficult to guess the origins of broccoli as Italy. Broccoli (Brassica oleracea) is also known as calabrese (from Calabria, Italy) and probably dates back to the days of the Roman Empire.....

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Asparagus is another of Nature's ‘superfoods’, though not one of the cheapest. It is famed for containing high levels of essential minerals and vitamins, but as ever, this is dependent on.....

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Wild peas have been traced back nearly 7000 years to the Nile Delta region. The pea is a cool season annual legume now grown in most cool temperate regions. Legumes are important crops.....

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There are many different genera and varieties of beans, almost all of which originated in the Americas. It seems there were at least two different areas where they were first domesticated.....

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Brussels Sprouts

As the name suggests, this member of the brassica family was first grown in the late 16th century in the area of Brussels; then the Princely Capital of The Low Countries.....

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The Celts brought cabbage, yet another brassica, to Europe from Asia around 600 B.C. Since cabbage grows well in cool climates, yields large harvests, and stores well during winter, it soon.....

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Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea botrytis) is an old favourite in Britain, but its popularity has been in decline in recent years. In the UK maincrop varieties of summer cauliflower are sown outdoors.....

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Cabbages grown in minerally-enriched soil

Swede and Turnip

Swede and turnip crops are grown for the table and also for livestock as a means of extending the grazing season as grass growth and quality declines into the autumn season. The advantage of.....

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Salad Leaves

Wild lettuce is native to Europe, Asia and North Africa and from it are derived all cultivated varieties. Lettuce was first grown in Egypt about 6,500 years ago. The Romans later believed it to have.....

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Other Vegetables

Onions, shallots, garlic, leaks, spring onions and chives are alliums, part of the lily family. All are grown in the UK and are considered to be a healthy part of the human diet. Garlic is surrounded by.....

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