Customer Testimonials

Chris Mayfield Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire

The treated ground was unimproved, ancient, ridge and furrow ground.

"This land had never finished beef cattle in our ownership. Now, on grass alone they are not only finishing, but they are also finishing faster. Their coats shine, they look fantastic and they are fetching top prices at market"

"We have also raised sheep on the treated land and on adjoining, untreated land belonging to neighbours. Two thirds of the spring lambs on the treated land have already gone to market, whereas we have yet to have a draw from the untreated fields".
Quite apart from the professional pride a farmer gets from raising such obviously high quality stock, there is a big financial implication to consider. These animals are healthier, more prolific and cost less to rear. The saving on inputs and the greater returns far outweigh the cost of treating the ground.

Polgoon Vineyard Penzance, Cornwall

"Following the application of the tailored dressing early in 2010, the yield of Seyval Blanc grapes increased significantly to the largest yield ever. This year we saw the largest number of buds at the beginning of the season that we have ever seen.”

Polgoon is an award-winning vineyard started in 2005. John Coulson identified that his soil was not providing sufficient nutrient to the vines, soil analysis identified the issues and the dressing was applied with excellent results.

Stuart Griffin Ashwater, Devon

“We have 60 acres of ‘away land’ where we keep 350 ewes but the lambs are usually the slowest to get to market. We treated this ground in the early spring and the difference is amazing! The 600 or so lambs from the treated ground were away far earlier than any of my other lambs and we got an extra £25 per lamb because of that. They seemed healthier and certainly had a lot less feet problems. I am going to treat more land next spring!”

This is often heard, particularly when farmers treat land that is performing poorly. Growth rate and lambing percentage are always held back on deficient soils so, once the soil is treated, these and many other benefits are soon enjoyed. Mr Griffin’s dressing was paid back in the first year many times over thanks to being early to market.

Mr and Mrs A Benneworth Holsworthy, Devon

“The Yeomaden herd are 99% grass and haylage fed so, of course, our grass care and haylage is of great importance. We started working with Field Science Ltd in the spring of 2004 and were delighted with the difference in our grass and haylage from day one. The amount of fertiliser needed is vastly reduced, general licks are not required and we know our stock are getting the correct balance of minerals and trace elements. We continue to use Field Science and their expertise and would have no hesitation in recommending them, and have often done so, for both their service and professionalism.”

When we started working with the Benneworths, they understood exactly what we were trying to achieve with their soils. The results speak for themselves with 29 straight championsips won including the Interbreed at the Bath & West and the Devon County twice in a row!

READ MORE about the Championship-winning Yeomaden Herd

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